Saturday, October 31, 2009

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support request. This is not just ...

Today I find the novelty of being able to have the blog on a newspaper type format PDF.

Want to know how? Vitsita ICT Workshop.

Friday, October 30, 2009

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continued ... V

El Taller de Edublogs, expires, entra en una etapa donde los participantes y su servidor vamos a trabajar con una nueva actitud hacia las nuevas tecnologías y su uso en la educación. Este espacio queda abierto a las aportaciones y comentarios de tod@s.

Las TIC son para desarrollar la innovación eucativa de una manera real y verdadera, no para hacer lo mismo que hemos hecho hasta ahora y no quedar como la famosa caricatura de Potachov :

Un saludo a tod@s y estoy a sus órdenes para cualquier duda o comentario.

Para saber más y estar en contacto les sugiero vistar: Taller de TIC .

Un gran saludo de su nuevo amigo Ramon.

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To be updated should be reviewed periodically, almost daily, blogs and websites that can give us ideas on how to use blogs in education, such as more efficient and productive to use new resources, experiences, etc.
The following list are regularly reviewed, I hope they serve. (If you do not understand some concepts, you can write or comment directly with the author are usually very kind and patient). Metro

Education. Blog Blog, excellent collection Update and posts from around the world, in English, with emphasis on educational use. Is updated almost hourly.

Aulablog 21. Excellent English blog Francisco Muñoz de la Peña , "guilty" that is blogger.

Arturogoga . Blogger Peruvian with news of new technologies.

digizen . Puerto Rico Blog Mario Nuñez , with articles on learning technologies. Log

of Anibal de la Torre. Excellent blog, Anibal de la Torre, English expert in the use of new technologies in education.

Eduteka . In Colombia, the "bible" of the use of ICT in education

And a long list of etceteras. If you want to see more links you see on the social bookmarking Delicious with my username ramon3434. (You have to create an account before).

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Recommendations Recommendations Recommendations III IV

Uses the obvious:

1.Identifica the best
2. Equate

For this I give you some links of places to review some educational blogs:

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General recommendations on the use of the blog:

1. You have to write, write and write. Students respond, in my experience, very well when the teacher goes almost daily materials. When the teacher stops writing for a certain circumstance, the student will lose interest and it is very difficult interest them back .

2. Use soft colors and legible letters to the blog

3. Do not have too many "frills" blog, divert too much attention.

4. Respond as quickly as possible, questions or comments from students.

5. Be prepared to receive negative feedback and / or rude . When I have this case, the sample used for education in values.

6. If you write a text entry I recommend you to go with one or more images.

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1. I recommend starting the blog of a teacher, start up materials and notices so that is a reference point of the matter.

2. According to the characteristics of the group, the blog can be at this point.

3. If the group meets and are anxious to learn more, ask the students to develop the student blog, this blog is to carry out the activities. In doing so the teacher's blog blog evolved from matter.

4. The ideal is that students develop a collective blog, where everyone can write it, but it depends on many factors: Availability of equipment and schedules, acceptance by the school administration, etc.

These are general recommendations, we must bear in mind that not all groups are equal and that the possibility of access to equipment and Internet connections ocmputo vary each school. (At least I have spent many times).

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Reading Recommendation II. Recommended Blogs types

Blogs can be:

1. Teacher: As this where you have worked in the workshop.
Who writes?
Professor Who says? Students and teacher

2. Student. As you have developed in the workshop
Who writes? The student
Who says? The classmates and teacher

3. Classroom or matter. Where materials are uploaded to a specific subject.
Who writes?
Teachers Who says? Students from different groups

4. Groups. Where are the students who create it and run it. These are very good on issues of some controversy as discrimination, censorship, abortion, etc.
Who writes?
Students Who says? Students and teachers

5. Center or the School. Blog institutional more type, for promotion, ads, news, events, etc.
Who writes? Clerical
Who says? Should be anyone.

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After working for 4 years with educational blogs use the experiences I have outlined in a paper published in the journal: Learning Styles in Experiences and Reflections section. Da click here to go to the page.

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15. Activity .. Decorating

The blog you can "decorate" check the following pages, look for the animation that you like and upload it to your blog. Just look for the code to paste in you blog.

* The paper was saved as an image

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Reflection blog. Changing attitudes

"The seats are anchored to the students ...

The board pegged to the teacher ...

Textbooks anchored content ...

scores anchored the attention of students and families ... Teaching

same every year, the same way, anchored the concept of what a teacher . "

David Warlick

School 2 .0

C on this workshop, you have the tools to break the anchors, but it takes more effort and dedication on your part and especially a change attitude.

The first symptoms of the great wave of social, political, economic and educational course, and they are: cell phones, iPods, internet, do not wait for the tsunami ...

have to ride the wave

We can not go against

Raises the surfboard using blogs as
an educational tool

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Reflection: And now ...

Since I have my blog, what I can do with it?, what I have to do?.

an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you can do with an educational blog is::


Teaching Activity


  • Answer questions
  • reflect on a text phrase or saying
  • Make a summary or test with 7 entries. (See: 1.0 Native and ... in this blog)
  • Make a survey *
  • What would be your reaction if ...?
  • Develop a questionnaire
  • Comment and / or reflect on an article published by a fellow
  • Make a compilation of literature or internet references on a topic
  • Silent reading
  • Search Bibliography
  • Cryptograms *

Photos and Images

  • Make a cartoon
  • Puzzle
  • Reflecting image or picture
  • Order the sequence of pictures or images
  • Who is it? Or what is it, a series of photos from the closest to the farthest
  • Find photos or images related to the subject

  • Development video
  • Find one that relations with the subject


  • Development presentation
  • Find one that is related to the subject

WebQuest and Treasure Hunting *

  • Reply

HotPotatoes *

  • Gap Filling
  • Multiple Choice
  • Form pairs
  • Crosswords
  • Order words
  • Develop

Timelines *

  • Develop
  • Explain a ready-made

Voice, sound, music

  • Find a song that relates
  • Record and publish podcasts *


  • Syndicate pages

  • Add
  • Search this social bookmarking tags that interest us

Map *

  • Geographic, find your location
  • Develop concept maps
  • Explain concept maps
  • Link concept maps
  • Develop a concept map from a meme

Wikis *

  • Participate in one
  • Develop a

Tournaments *

  • Participate


  • Development of student blog
  • Development the students' collective blog by subject or subjects
  • blog rating, ranking *
  • Develop a newspaper or newsletter *
  • external reviews.
  • * Participate in contests
  • Position blog directories *


  • Start a meme

  • Participate in one

* Activities not described in this blog.
Note. If you want more, you can check on the internet, much information on this or on my blog: ICT Workshop.

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Reading. Top

To upload material to the Internet to insert in the blog are used we have seen, only that you must create an account on each one of them, except Youtube, using the same account Gmail and Blogger. All these services are free and of good quality.

1. Scribd. appointment process for Word files, spreadsheets and PDF

2. Slideshare . For files


Youtube. For videos

can also use:

Goear . To raise and / or ajar audio and music files.

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Reading materials: Upload a video

As a matter of time and the quality of our connections to the Internet, I will only reference as to upload a video blog on the following link:

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14. Activity. Upload file

To insert files: word processing, spreadsheet and / or PDF files , the recommendation is to use: Scribd and the "game" is the same: Find the HTML code.

For information on Scribd no registration is required, if we are going to upload a file we then yes. The activity is to upload a file to your blog, the topic you like.

1. Scribd enter and put our Search Search

2. Review the information and whether it's our pleasure to find the HTML code Embed

3. Copy ALL the code

4. Paste it into our blog, with the caveat that this enabled the Edit HTML section

blogs and education

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13. Activity. upload a slideshow

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News. The wonderful thing about reading

Hello, can review the comments of the following entry .

Who responds to Anggy?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

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network. Over 11 pilgrims

Lara Tischler just published on his blog, another item that is not wasted on digital pilgrims:

"For this trip we only need a light backpack but well supplied to enjoy the way , defying the elements and grow with the talks. The teacher must be a wanderer again, someone who repeats ride as we have known and giving us good advice supported in their experience. "

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digital. Activity. upload an image to blog

Upload an image to your blog.

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10. Activity: Write a blog post

Check the video and write a blog post, in the case of recommended educational blogs give an overview on using the blog, you can check an example here .

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9. Activity. up a hit counter the blog

Check the following video and the hit counter up inthe fixed side or blog.

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8. Activity. Top goal of the blog and other

1. In the fixed portion of blog raises the goal of your blog, date and place of birth and who is responsible.

2. Add at least two more Widget blog, you want.

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Presentation. Working in the fixed portion of blog

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Presentation. Parties

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Video blog. How to enter the blog