bueeeno. It's been a weekend l argo ... "fighting a horrible plague of unicellular algae in my tank [DRAMA ...], but with patience everything is solved, and I can say that for now the battle won (fingers crossed !!!).
several weeks (a couple of months) I noticed a considerable increase of algae in my tank. Malawians in the "normal" to have some algae because there is not any plant that absorbs nutrients along the color spectrum of the fluorescent lights are usually installed, causes algae to grow more easily. But this time something was wrong ... until suddenly all the water became cloudy and greenish. After
lay hands on Mr. Google I know he was being "victim" of a plague of green algae, specifically unicellular microalgae ( info. Types of algae from Aquanovel )
Well, being unicellular organisms, There are lamps on the market called "sterilizing UV lamp" which neutralize any microorganism that passes in front. On the other hand ... also kill the beneficial bacteria to the aquarium. So you have to be careful not to abuse ... but hey, this time requiring their use.
But not enough to pass the water through the UV lamp. You have to know the reason for the proliferation of algae such as failure in a short period of time re-emerge.
In my case, I conclude that the reasons were:
- Excess supply: recently fed them only once a day and pretty much, which caused the excess is broken down into the water.
- infrequent water changes: The time between the last partial water changes has been longer than normal (not recommended to wait over a month) ... so that the excess supply together with the few changes of water, has made the Nitrates increase significantly (the main food source of algae)
- Period light: On top of that, along with ease with which the growth of algae in these tanks, if you also give them more daylight hours than normal ... algae become a problem, both for the lives of fish to the aesthetics of the aquarium.
Solution: Well first is to remove the algae. What I did was connect the output of the filter, a UV lamp that has given me @ goosemenorca (thank you! ;) And I left running 50 hours. Also, I made two partial water changes of about 40% each three days apart. To avoid shocks have added bacteria (commercial packaging liquids) so that no sudden drops in their neighborhood and break the cycle of nitrogen.
Well ... here a picture from Friday before doing anything:
And this is the aspect of today, after all the cleaning process:
I used to make small changes in the placement of rocks, filling over the bottom (creating more cache) and leaving more room to swim in front.
Nothing more, now just need to correct the failures that have led to such proliferation and in theory should not have problems again.
Greetings y. .. with algae darling!
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