Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Application Form For Probate

El cielo de Abril 2010 : Qué podemos observar?

There are many websites where you can find recommendations and letters celestial objects can be observed during each season. And this week is the turn of the month of April. Furthermore, building is Easter, we have a few days (nights) in which to make the night owl looking at the stars.

After reviewing several sites , here I summarize the most interesting things (from my point of view) not to be missed this month:

- Luna:

is not an excellent occasion for observing mole that the first days of April will not appear until after 00:00 or 1 am, stretching his appearance at 3 or 4 the following week. From the day 19 or 20 again have in our sky at times more "decent":)

Today, day March 31 I write this post is full moon, so the moon will be waning as the days pass until day 14, which will be in the New Moon. Will be back on full moon day April 28. Here is the lunar calendar this month:

The fact that the moon is not visible to the first night will facilitate the deep sky observing the reflected light does not interfere in it.

- Planets:

In this section I want to make special mention of a curious situation is not very common. For about the first two weeks of April (from today!), We see the planets Mercury and Venus in conjunction for several hours. You only have to look toward the western horizon at dusk, just after the setting sun appear as two stars, a very bright and a much more tenuous.

A curious part of this event during the month of April and like last month, the planets Mars join us (in the constellation of Cancer ) and Saturn (at one end of the constellation Virgo ) overnight.

even Saturn's rings are quite perpendicular to the Earth so just watch a fine line through this giant planet. Not until 2012 when it started to appreciate the album.

(via post in www.astronomo.org )

But this does not mean that observing Saturn, with its main satellites, is always a moment of satisfaction.

- Deep sky:

With the change of season (just entered in the Spring) we realize that the sky begins to change. This is because we are looking at the outside of our galaxy, which is why our sky will be "minus" filled with stars and nebulae, but in return ... We have lots of galaxies to discover with our telescope .

For this reason, I have focused on galaxies shining bright and the sky this month, in addition to the more distant horizon. Almost all can be found by looking south.

Here my recommendations after consulting various websites. I probably let a lot but this is just an orientation.

- Bode's Galaxy (M81) and Cigar Galaxy (M82) : are a group of galaxies located in Ursa Major, being highly recommended for its great luminosity.

- Spiral Galaxy M94 : located in the constellation

Hounds - Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) : Actually there are two galaxies, M51 and NGC 5195. It is one of the brightest galaxies in the Northern Hemisphere. We can find between the Hounds and the Big Dipper.

- Black Eye Galaxy (M64) : Located in the constellation of Berenice.

- Sombrero Galaxy (M104) : I have this will win:) It is near the constellation Virgo, to Cuervo. It is a galaxy that we see on Earth "singing" what hat gives the appearance ...

- Virgo Cluster: A large cluster of galaxies located in the constellation Virgo. A good part of the universe to observe many objects, like giant M87, M49 , M86 and M84 , among others. The fact that so many things "together" makes it very difficult to identify. So it's best to locate the area and get lost in it;)

- sky map: Here I

leave a slide show that I performed with the objects mentioned in this post and its approximate position. As you can see, basically all the objects are facing South.

(click to enlarge)

- Sources:

To make this post, apart from sites referenced in the images, I have helped sites like www.elcielodelmes . com and www.circuloastronomico.cl , and of course ..., the great program Stellarium ;)

Nothing else, I hope this post will be useful during this month, or at least I have entered the itch to look through a telescope and discover that we have over our heads when everyone is asleep;)


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