Thursday, June 19, 2008

Baby Has Phlegm For A Week

Internet Explorer "is in danger of extinction? NOD32

According to Sitepoint Blogs if the trend continuous, Internet Explorer will be routing to an end.
People should be concerned about what is stated in the article " Internet Explorer Extinct By 2013? ." After examining the trend in browser usage by visitors, Tilley concluded that by 2013 any user of Internet Explorer used Sitepoint.

Reducción en el uso de Internet Explorer por parte de los usuarios de This is reflected in a chart which compares the use of Internet Explorer compared to other browsers. Accordingly, the number of people using Internet Explorer would be reduced by 0.2% daily. Many think that

that's a trivial amount. If we analyze the short term, maybe it is, but if this trend continues for a period of 1.797 days (4.9 years) would lead to a curious case where none of visitors use Internet Explorer (at least to enter the site, of course).

Reading this article woke me curious to know if the same thing was happening with my blog, but such was the case. About 68% of my visitors (so far this year) uses Internet Explorer. Despite this, I'll watch to see if this trend varies throughout the year.

Source: Sitepoint Blogs